Theatre 29, Pardubice, Czech Republic January 16, 2009, 8:00 PM - 10:15 PM CET ]]>
8:40 - 9:10 PM - Miroslav Posejpal: Nightfall Journeys.
9:10 - 9:30 PM - Pavel Novotný: Brambora (Potato).
9:30 - 10:15 - PM Mateřídouška: audiovisual performance
Gurun Gurun is a semi- improvisational audiovisual project established towards the end of 2007 by guitarist Tomáš Knoflíček (Miou Miou), keyboard player Járou Tarnovským (Miou Miou) and VJ Vunelopuchu (BabyPuch, Kolektiv). During 2008, Multi-instrumentalist Tomáš Procházka aka Federsel (Handa Gote, Buchty a loutky) joined GG.
What's typical for the music of Gurun Gurun is the hypnotic minimalist atmosphere, slow repetitive melodies, use of concrete sounds and out-of-studio recordings. GG combine digitally arranged guitars, analogue oscillators, record players and laptop material with acoustic instruments. The visual part of their project consists of sample shots combined with simple flash animations.
What's typical for the music of Gurun Gurun is the hypnotic minimalist atmosphere, slow repetitive melodies, use of concrete sounds and out-of-studio recordings. GG combine digitally arranged guitars, analogue oscillators, record players and laptop material with acoustic instruments. The visual part of their project consists of sample shots combined with simple flash animations.
Gurun Gurun contributed to the contemporary experimental electronic music compilation produced by Ressosus label and they do remixing as well. At present, they are preparing their debut album in cooperation with, amongst others, Japanese producers Sawako (Anticipate) a Moskitoo (12k).
Tomáš Knoflíček - musician, composer, artist.
He worked in shogaze/ambiente band The Violine, participated in the recordings of Miou Miou, and has been a member of Miou Miou since 2005. In GG, it's him who is the main author of their musical as well as visual production. Apart from his music activities, he teaches history of fine arts at the University of Ostrava.
Jára Tarnovski - musician, producer, stage manager.
He was engaged in several alternative bands and since 2003 is a member of Miou Miou. He cooperated with the Japanese band Aus, did a remix of the composition Longital, among others, and remixed for the Off's brothers as well as Kora et le Mechanix. He works as a music composer for radio, animated film, multi-media and art installations.
He worked in shogaze/ambiente band The Violine, participated in the recordings of Miou Miou, and has been a member of Miou Miou since 2005. In GG, it's him who is the main author of their musical as well as visual production. Apart from his music activities, he teaches history of fine arts at the University of Ostrava.
Jára Tarnovski - musician, producer, stage manager.
He was engaged in several alternative bands and since 2003 is a member of Miou Miou. He cooperated with the Japanese band Aus, did a remix of the composition Longital, among others, and remixed for the Off's brothers as well as Kora et le Mechanix. He works as a music composer for radio, animated film, multi-media and art installations.
Tomáš Procházka - puppet artist, musician, sound designer, actor and director.
Since 1999 is a member of group Buchty a loutky. In the same year, he founded improvisational music band B4. In 2005 he was one of the creators of the art group Handa Gote and cooperated with many Czech and foreign dancers, theatre artists and film makers.
VJ Vunelopuchu - VJ, DJ, graphic designer.
VJ Vunelopuchu also performs as an electro DJ Babypuch. He started his career as a VJ radical of camp band I love 69 Popgejů. He is a founder of the regular NuOva club night in Ostrava and is a member of graphic design and new media group Kolektiv.
Miroslav Posejpal: Nightfall Journeys.
A concert for violoncello and live electronic.
"For me the very sound that characterizes security is silence.
Silence before we fall asleep, silence when we step across the threshold of our dreams, when we touch the silent heart of the world. When what remains from the world and its noises is only a kaleidoscope of pictures that merge the boundaries of light and shadows, good and evil, beauty and ugliness. This is the moment in which the last remnants of our childhood self awake and we can perceive the world in its magic unity:
Silence before we fall asleep, silence when we step across the threshold of our dreams, when we touch the silent heart of the world. When what remains from the world and its noises is only a kaleidoscope of pictures that merge the boundaries of light and shadows, good and evil, beauty and ugliness. This is the moment in which the last remnants of our childhood self awake and we can perceive the world in its magic unity:
The unity of security.
Nightfall Journeys take on various forms; they represent various ways of falling asleep, i.e. journeys towards various dreams. They start in various places of our world, reflect the variety of its faces and lead towards bright uplands as well dark backlands, they merge and diverge... only to reach the same point of contentment in the calmness of the night.
In the security of silence."
Miroslav Posejpal for Art's Birthday 2009
Miroslav Posejpal (*1952)has a degree in bass-guitar and contrabass from the People's Conservatory in Prague. In 1977, together with sax player Jiří Durman, he founded an instrumentalist duo that is still active today.
Since 1990, his main focus has been playing the cello and since the second half of the 90's, together with Emil Viklický, Jarmo Sermilä and Alex Švamberk, he has been a member of the improvisation group Neuro (later on and without Viklický renamed Paraneuro). Posejpal performs at many festivals and concerts of the contemporary alternative and improvisational music scene and tries to create a new world of extraordinary sound aesthetics that combines the sphere of acoustic instrument and its electronic prolongation.
Pavel Novotný: Brambora (Potato).
Sound Track combined with mass performance.
Performers (subject to change): Pavel Novotný, Jaromír Typlt, Vít Jakimiv, Iva Dvořáková, Anna Riedlová, Zuzana Vykoukalová, Jan Krňanský a publikum
It's well-known fact that if we repeat a word over and over again, or vary the sound of a word a little, its meaning disappears and it becomes a mere sound. But does it also work backwards? Can sounds again acquire meanings? And isn't the second, final image, far more real? For an experiment that will hopefully answer these questions, we have chosen the word 'brambora' (potato); it's a word - object that should reveal its existence in its paunchy multiplicity and spatiality. The composition unites a ready-made sound recording with life stage action. The audience, who will take an active part in the performance, should create a kind of an animate blender of words, syllables and phones. The ready-made recording creates a sound background for the performance, as well as offers a detailed portrait of the 'potato' itself during the breaks:
A mixture of opinions about potatoes, descriptions, questions, answers and unexpected associations.
Pavel Novotný (*1976) works as a lecturer at the Department of German language of the Technical University in Liberec (field of study: language in use and German literature). He is about to finish his doctoral degree in German studies at the Philosophical Faculty of Palacky University in Olomouc with his dissertation work 'Roots of literary montage and collage in literature written in German'. He has written a poetry anthology 'Sběr' (Collecting) (Liberec, 2003). He also writes and publishes texts that have their origin in spoken word transformed into written texts. Together with Jaromír Typlt, he made scene arrangements for the dada composition 'Ursonate' by Kurt Schwitters and created a sound composition called "Lžička" (Spoon) for the PremEdition of Radio Atelier program of Czech Radio - Vltava.
Mateřídouška: Audio-visual performance
Tereza Damcová - vocals, drawings for animation, costumes, performance
Jiří Suchánek - music and sound, animation of T.D.'s drawings, sound objects and all the cable work...
Mateřídouška has been creating an original type of audio-visual performance at the European experimental scene for a couple of years now. It was founded in 2005 as a diploma thesis of Jiří Suchánek and Tereza Damcová at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno.
Since then, the Moravian duo has been creating a wider and deeper-going version of its performance. However, the permanent features of their performance- unbound series of images, sounds, associations and movements and a continuous enthusiasm to experiment- remains. They have performed at many festivals, both at home and abroad, and have been repeatedly surprising, perhaps mildly scaring, cheering and sometimes moving to tears their audiences.
Their performance balances on the border of concert, cinema and art performance shows. All art work for Mateřídouška is done by the duo Tereza Damcová and Jiří Suchánek, and the two make an extraordinary artistic symbiosis.
Mateřídouška has a strong dream-like and artistic accent: hand-made line-drawings of Tereza Damcová are digitally animated by Jiří Suchánek to create new worlds that come alive on the video screen. They are home for a form-changing doll Bubatschka who came to have a peek at this Planet. There is something about this view...
Sound-wise, Mateřídouška seems to be a combination of large sound spaces with trip-hop and glitch shades, live vocals that are being gently ruffled by all kinds of digital and analogue processes. All this live improvisation sound collage is occasionally complemented with for example garage-made sound mini objects.
Video- projection with refined artistic language of animated pen-and-ink hand drawings together with very often bizarre dreamy logic, costumes, performances, whisper and bowl... that's Mateřídouška.